7 Quick Tips for Writing Magnetic Headlines

Why do some bloggers get all the attention? Do they know some secret?

The truth is that they know something that can be easily be learned—the power of attention-grabbing headlines.

You’ll soon learn the secret on how to drive clicks and shares, and you don’t have to be an expert.

It might sound like you need to study for years to master this. That’s not true at all. All you need to study are a few tips outlined below.

Once you start, you can write engaging headlines for your business, and not even be a “professional” writer.

Here are some simple ways to add some spice to a boring headline.

1. Include numbers.

When you include specific numbers in your headline, people pay attention. The human brain finds numbers intriguing, and it loves lists.

Take advantage of this by starting your headline with a number. For example, “10 tips on how to find your dream love online.”

2. Share your honest experiences.

Want to shake readers up and grab their attention? Speak to them honestly.

Customers become numb to cookie-cutter, robotic messages. Instead, share one of your personal experiences, and it doesn’t have to be a positive one.

Example: “Why My First Business Failed and What I Learned.”

3. Use power words.

Power words are charged with energy. When you hear these words, you instantly want to know more. They bring to mind highly valuable information.

They’re usually adjectives like “free, guaranteed, special, affordable, amazing, instantly.” Look at ads that are used frequently by prominent sellers to create your own list of power words.

4. Ask a poignant question.

What does your customer desperately want to know? Creating an open-ended question like this will intrigue your audience. Knowing what question to ask means knowing your customer and what they’re curious about.

Example: “Do You Know the Best Chemical to Grow Your Garden?”

5. Introduce something new.

We all want to be on the cutting edge in our industry. We want to know the latest news so that we can stay up to date. And we don’t want to be left behind, or for anyone else to have an advantage.

Example: “New Method to Re-Grow Hair Now Introduced.”

6. Go negative sometimes.

As a small business owner, you might always want to put on a happy face for your customers. The truth is, sometimes you need to inform them about cold, harsh truths. These are the truths that will drive them to act.

Research by Outbrain proved that negative headlines outperformed positive ones by 63%. 

Example: “An Economic Crash Could Soon Be On The Horizon.”

7. Keep it short and relevant.

Unless you’re a pro at this, you can’t go wrong with shorter headlines. Longer headlines give readers more time to tune out, and there are more chances it’ll be clunkier or hard to read.

It's best to keep your headlines around 55 characters. According to CoSchedule short headlines produce the most successful click-through rate.

Remember, writing headlines is a skill. After reading this, you’ll have a leg up on the competition, but you’ll still need to study the masters.

Or, you could save time and deliver headlines that drive clicks and engagement to your customers today by hiring us to do the job.

6 Proven Ways to Master Blog Writing Now

As a small business owner, you've likely heard about the benefits of having a blog. But, instead of hiring a writer, you've decided you take on the task of writing the blog posts yourself. Fair enough.

Aside from being an excellent content marketing strategy for your business, blogging is also a way for you to exercise your creativity and speak directly to customers online.

To get you started on the right foot, here are six tips that will help you to master the skill in no time.


Don't Forget the Fundamentals

Even if you're new to blogging, you can still create compelling posts by following the fundamentals ⁠— proofread for grammar errors, keep sentences concise, and paragraphs short and easy-to-read. 

For a quick and easy guide to learn how to write simply and with purpose, choose The Elements of StyleRead up on the latest grammar blogs. Or get a fast education with The Only Grammar Book You’ll Ever Need.


Read Popular Blogs

The best way to become better at blog writing is to read. A lot. Find the best blogs in your niche, the ones who are ranked high in search results and are shared widely on social media.

Pick apart what makes their writing effective. See what their readers are giving as feedback. Can you be as helpful as they are, but bring your own experiences to those same readers?


Learn By Hand

Sit down, pick up a pen, and copy the words of your favorite writers on paper. It might sound like a waste of time, but it’s a proven way of learning how to master blog writing. You’ll learn their style through muscle-memory and pick apart their writing word by word. Some of the most popular bloggers like Jon Morrow have done this.


Find an Editor

No matter how much grammar you’ve studied, there’s bound to be typos that slip through the cracks. By hiring an editor, you’ll get another set of eyes on your work. They’ll be able to offer suggestions to you as well.


Don't Be Boring

Some say the number one rule of blog writing is don’t be boring. If you have an authentic voice that’s dying to come out, don’t hold back. Readers know when someone isn’t being genuine. That’s why some of the most read blogs are written in a conversational tone. They have their own style and voice that relate to their audience.


Research & Outline

The best blog posts connect with their target readers. They seem to know exactly what their readers need. The more you understand your readers and research the topics they care about, the more effective and easier to write your post will be.

To cut down the time spent on writing, and build a solid structure, don’t wing it. Create an outline.


Follow the tips above and your blog writing skills will quickly improve. But, if you'd rather spend your time running your business instead of blogging, let the professionals handle it.

Place your order now, and our team will deliver your blog post in as little as 2 business days.